Construction of Saukonpaade Park will continue in the summer of 2020, and therefore the Röör sorting container in the park will be moved to a nearby tram turning point on Thursday, June 25, 2020.
The sorting container is available at the new address, at the intersection of Länsisatamankatu and Atlantinkatu, on a sand field inside the tram turnout.
The sorting container is intended for the collection of material unsuitable for the Rööri pipe collection:
- LARGE MIXED WASTE: carpets, folders, toys, small wooden and plastic products for the home, etc.
- LARGE CARDBOARD: pizza and packing boxes well folded and tightly in a container.
- GLASS: jars, bottles and packages in bulk in a container. No window and mirror glass.
- METAL: cans, packaging and small metal in bulk container.
DO NOT BRING mattresses, furniture, pallets, etc.
The container opens with code 1010.